Monday 26 June 2023

DAY 71 - SIERRE to ORMONE (Monday 26 June)

We had a fairly short walk today - along the Rhone River to Sion, a bit of a wander through Sion, and a bit of a climb up to Ormone.

The day's walk began with a short path through the vineyards
We soon joined up with a walking/cycle path which followed the south bank of the river. 
We stayed on the path by the river for several kilometres. The river is in a valley, with layers of mountains on both sides. There are vineyards up the sides of most of the hills on the north side of the valley, and small villages dotted throughout. In short the scenery is pretty attractive, which no doubt explains the large numbers of cyclists and walkers using the path. 
Pleasant walking along the Rhone path
We left the Rhone for a while to meander around the Lac de la Brèche, a small lake adjacent to the river. 
Lac de la Brèche - a small detour
We rejoined the path along the Rhone, and followed it into Sion. 
Back to the Rhone
The path along the Rhone 
On the way we saw an animal climbing a tree 
The fortifications around Sion were a highlight as we approached the town
Approaching Sion on the Rhone path
Although the path itself was flat, there were mountain views in all directions as we approached Sion

Approaching Sion
We had lunch in Sion, then explored a bit in the old town. 
Into Sion on a footbridge, and through the old town
We then faced the only climb of the day, up to Ormone, where we checked in to our accommodation. 
A bit of a climb to finish the day's walk - from Sion to Ormone
Day 71 - Birds 
Day 71 - Elevation Profile 
Day 71 - Route 
Day: 71
Distance: 19.88 km
Walking time: 4 hrs 14 mins
Elevation gain: 393 metres
Cumulative distance:  1,527.21
Switzerland distance: 448.41
Switzerland chocolate consumption: 31 blocks

Poem of the Day:


Schoggi comes in a block
Rectangular and hard
Treasured treat, so tasty
The muse of many a bard

But if you are outside all day
And the weather's very hot
The block may become melty
And you'll have to lick the lot!

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DAY 80 - BOSSEY to GENEVA (Wednesday 5 July)

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