Monday 26 June 2023

DAY 70 - LEUKERBAD to SIERRE (Sunday 25 June)

We had another scenic walk today, coming down from the mountains and into the vineyards. We started by taking the classic path from Leukerbad to Albinen via the Albinenleitern, a series of eight wooden ladders set into a cliff face. 
Heading to the Albinenleitern from Leukerbad
We had been on this path a few times in the past, and found it quite memorable. We were able to look back on previous visits as we climbed the ladders today. 
Approaching the Albinenleitern, with Leukerbad and the Gemmiwand in the background 
Future Australian long-distance walkers and family approaching the Albinenleitern, June 2006
Australian long-distance walkers approaching the Albinenleitern, June 2023
Future Australian long-distance walker climbing the Albinenleitern, September 1988
Australian long-distance walker climbing the Albinenleitern, June 2023
Future Australian long-distance walker climbing the Albinenleitern, September 1988
Australian long-distance walker climbing the Albinenleitern, June 2023
The ladders form part of a vertical 100 metre ascent in the cliff face, which provided a challenging start to today's walk. 
Australian long-distance walkers tackling the Albinenleitern. A challenging start to the day's walk.
From the top of the ladders it was mostly downhill to the historic village of Albinen. 
Mostly downhill to Albinen
Approaching Albinen, we tried to set up a shot in our "then and now" collection.
Photographer and subject examine old photo and prepare for new one
This is the old one - Future Australian long-distance walker happily sitting among the wildflowers near Albinen, June 2006
And this is the new one - Australian long-distance walker happily sitting among the wildflowers near Albinen, June 2023
We had read up on Albinen's interesting history, and were expecting to see a village full of character. We were not disappointed. 
Historic Albinen - a village full of character
From Albinen we took a path leading to the village of Leuk, a few kilometres steeply downhill. It was another old place, with interesting historic buildings. 
This statue of the Albinenleitern is on the way out of the village
From Albinen to Leuk - all downhill
Panoramic views of the Rhone Valley opened up as we approached Leuk
Australian long-distance walkers approaching the village of Leuk
Some historic sights in Leuk
From Leuk we joined the Chemin des Vignobles, a scenic path that winds up and down among the vineyards which line the hills on the northern side of the Rhone Valley. The scenery was amazing. 
Australian long-distance walkers on the Chemin des Vignobles between Leuk and Varen 
We had a welcome stop for lunch in Varen, then continued a bit further on the Chemin des Vignobles. We left it after a few kilometres for a more direct path downhill into Salgesch.
Australian long-distance walkers approaching Varen on the Chemin des Vignobles 
The Chemin des Vignobles on from Varen
On to Salgesch
Shortly after passing through Salgesch, we reached a milestone on our trip. 
Coming into Salgesch through the vineyards
An attractive water fountain in Salgesch
Vineyards outside Salgesch. Ceremonial selfie to celebrate the 1,500 kilometre mark of the trip. It's a long way from Dieppe . . .
The last few kilometres of the day took us through the town of Sierre and on to our accommodation. 
Through Sierre, and into French-speaking Switzerland, to complete the day's walk
Day 70 - Birds 
Day 70 - Elevation Profile 
Day 70 - Route 
Day: 70
Distance: 26.22 km
Walking time: 6 hrs 11 mins
Elevation gain: 687 metres
Cumulative distance:  1,507.33
Switzerland distance: 428.53
Switzerland chocolate consumption: 30 blocks

Poem of the Day:


Part 1: Heated moments

Walking after lunch today was very
very hot
There was lots of up and down to do,
and easy it was not
Don't go too fast, things will get hazy
Don't go too slow, that would be-
A bit dull.

Part 2: Chilling moments

Climbing up to Albinen was perhaps a
little scary
Watch where you put your hands and
feet, and be very, very wary
Don't stand up straight, you'll bump
your head
Don't miss a rung, you'll be-
A bit sore.


  1. The ladders have made us appreciate Mt Rogers walking trails. You must still be exhausted. Again, the photos are fantastic and we almost feel like we are there with you, but without the soreness and tiredness. Congratulations on 1500km. Keep those wonderful poems coming.

  2. Congratulations on 1500kms 🎒🥳


DAY 80 - BOSSEY to GENEVA (Wednesday 5 July)

On the final day of our walk, we followed the Chemin de St Jacques south to Geneva, then went on to the water jet for the traditional end-of...