Wednesday, 5 July 2023

DAY 79 - ETOY to BOSSEY (Tuesday 4 July)

The penultimate day of our walk involved another long section on the Chemin de St Jacques. Today we were mostly inland,  instead of skirting the lake as we had done yesterday. 

Another long day's walk
We set out from our accommodation and quickly picked up the Chemin de St Jacques. We followed it through Allaman and Perroy to Rolle, where the path stayed by the lake for a while. 
The Chemin de St Jacques - through Perroy and on to Rolle
We stocked up on supplies in Rolle (yes, chocolate was involved) before moving on. The path now headed away from the lake, through food crops and vineyards to Gland. 
Lake Geneva at Rolle
From Rolle to Gland 
There was a scenic industrial area to pass through in Gland, followed by a series of Toblerone-shaped tank traps which once formed part of the country's defences. 
The path took us on a scenic route through Gland
The toblerones near Gland
We had our picnic lunch at the toblerones, then followed the path down to a lakeside beach. 
Down to the beach
A short walk further on we came to Nyon. From there, the path took us all the way to our accommodation in Bossey.
Through Prangins to Nyon
And on towards Bossey
Day 79 - Birds
Day 79 - Elevation Profile 
Day 79 - Route 
Day: 79
Distance: 34.39 km
Walking time: 7 hrs 01 mins
Elevation gain: 535 metres
Cumulative distance:  1,716.96
Switzerland distance: 637.16
Switzerland chocolate consumption: 42 blocks

Poem of the Day:


There are many fellow wanders that
you see on walking tracks
There are locals on a day trip wearing
babies on their backs

There are cyclists - some in Lycra
others with no shirt
Some have streamlined bicycles, with
others made for dirt

There are tourists proudly posing with
their money belts on display
Some are out for weeks or more,
others just the day

There are people of all ages who have
popped out for a jog
But my favourite type of fellow trail
wanderer? The dog

There are big dogs, there are small
dogs, there are fluffy ones and thin
No matter what sort of dog I see, I
count it as a win.


DAY 80 - BOSSEY to GENEVA (Wednesday 5 July)

On the final day of our walk, we followed the Chemin de St Jacques south to Geneva, then went on to the water jet for the traditional end-of...