Saturday, 10 June 2023


After a brief detour to stock up on lunch and chocolate supplies, we followed the Jakobsweg all the way to Einsiedeln. 
We saw a stork on our way to the supermarket this morning. 
An early highlight was a long walk over a pedestrian footbridge across the Obersee. This took us into Pfäffikon in Schwyz, our 5th Swiss Canton of this walk (after Schaffhausen, Thurgau, Zürich and St Gallen).
The Jakobsweg crossing over the Obersee
We are enjoying our walk on the Jakobsweg. 
The long wooden footbridge was one of the highlights of the day
Once across the lake, we walked through the train station at Pfäffikon and started climbing. The next few kilometres were uphill, with great views opening up behind us of Lake Zürich, Rapperswil and the hills behind them.
We walked through Pfäffikon and started climbing
The views opened up behind us as we climbed
Looking back from the Jakobsweg - Rapperswil and the Obersee
We kept climbing until we reached the St Meinrad chapel and restaurant at the Etzelpass. We sat down at the restaurant for a rest and a refreshing cold drink.
Climbing up to St Meinrad chapel and restaurant on the Jakobsweg 
Almost at the top
A popular terrace restaurant for long-distance walkers 
The path took a very scenic route into Einsiedeln, with views of sweeping hills and distant mountains.  We saw several other walkers during this section. 
Descending towards Einsiedeln 
Heading towards Einsiedeln on the Jakobsweg 
On this stretch we passed the 100 kilometre mark of our walk across Switzerland. We celebrated in the traditional manner.
Ceremonial selfie to mark the 100 kilometre mark of our Switzerland shore to shore walk
We were on high spirits as we walked on towards Einsiedeln, with views over the Sihlsee to the left and mountains all around. 
Australian slow travellers enjoying the Swiss landscape
The Jakobsweg gave us views of the Sihlsee on the way in to Einsiedeln
Descending into Einsiedeln
After settling in to our hotel,  we went out to have a look at the famous Abbey, and checked out a folk festival in a park near our hotel - part of the pre-event festivities associated with the Tour de Suisse cycle race, which starts in Einsiedeln on Sunday.
Folk festival at Einsiedeln - the Swiss-German Celtic band was a highlight
Day 54 - Birds
Day 54 - Elevation Profile 
Day 54 - Route 
Day: 54
Distance: 18.85 km
Walking time: 4 hrs 21 mins
Elevation gain: 877 metres
Cumulative distance:  1,182.82
Switzerland distance: 104.04
Switzerland chocolate consumption: 9 blocks

Poem of the Day:

(In the style of AR Dick Monley, a poet
who doesn't quite grasp the concept
of the rhyme)

The Tour de Suisse is in only two days
The town is awash with excitement in

The festival showcases specialties rare
With music and wurst and Einsiedeln

There is a traditional Swiss act, with
dancing and song
Their music does boggle, it goes on
and on

The highlight of course is the Swiss
Irish band
Their masterful melodies have
converted a fan!

And now for my bed, but the music
stays on
For the Abbey bells beckon well into
the morn

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