Thursday 8 June 2023

DAY 53 - GIBSWIL to RAPPERSWIL (Thursday 8 June)

We had another day on the Jakobsweg today, following it pretty much from our hotel all the way into the town of Rapperswil. We enjoyed views of snow-capped mountains throughout the day, and finished with a walk alongside a lake. 
Another day of wonderful scenery on the Jakobsweg
We had noticed that there was a waterfall, the Wissengubel, just outside Gibswil. We took a short detour to have a look. It was worth the detour, even though we couldn't get too close because a school excursion beat us to it. 
An excursion to Wissengubel - popular among Australian long-distance walkers and local school children
Back on the Jakobsweg, we were soon climbing out of the valley, emerging above the town of Wald. We were treated to amazing views of the town down below, and layers of mountains ahead. 
More pleasant walking on the Jakobsweg
We were soon seeing layers of mountains ahead of us
The signposting was again clear all day
There were new vistas around every corner
Walking above Wald, with the mountains ahead of us
An Australian long-distance walker enjoying the Swiss scenery
We stopped to take an iconic photo of Swiss cows with bells
An iconic photo of Swiss cows with bells
We found a bench ideally situated for a healthy fruit stop
So we sat on the bench, ate some cherries, and took in the view.
The path continued on through small villages, fields and forests. We had been going for a few hours (slowly - we never forget that we are slow travellers) when we found a bench at the edge of a forest which we used as our lunch spot. 
A variety of scenery on the Jakobsweg 
More varied scenery
Today's lunch spot. We didn't use the barbecue facilities, but are impressed that there are so many of them around. Most have a few benches, a rubbish bin, and even a supply of wood. 
It was mostly downhill after lunch as we headed into Rapperswil, on Lake Zurich. We had time for a bit of a walk along the lake, and into some of the town's old medieval streets, before heading out to the youth hostel where we are staying the night. 
Approaching Rapperswil on the Jakobsweg 
As we neared the town, we came across a fitness trail. One of us had the energy to tackle this exercise
While two of us had a go at this one
Lake Zurich at Rapperswil 
We ambled along the lake for a while
The old quarter of Rapperswil 
Lakeside stroll out to our night's accommodation
Day 53 - Birds 
Day 53 - Elevation Profile 
Day 53 - Route 
Day: 53
Distance: 21.63 km
Walking time: 5 hrs 01 mins
Elevation gain: 366 metres
Cumulative distance:  1,163.97
Switzerland distance: 85.19
Switzerland chocolate consumption: 8 blocks

Poem of the Day:


I'm wandering the Wanderwegs
I'm waltzing up the ways
When I come across an obstacle
That could put me in a daze

There's fountains on the Wanderwegs
Or so l like to think
That can keep my bottles heavy
So I'll always have a drink

Today we walked long hours
With not a spout in sight
Our lips were getting dryer
And our bottles getting light

But fear not, gentle reader,
For we came upon a stall
That was selling farmer's apple juice
And the thirst was quenched for all.

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DAY 80 - BOSSEY to GENEVA (Wednesday 5 July)

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