Monday, 22 May 2023

DAY 36 - MUNSTER to COLMAR (Monday 22 May)

Today was a relatively short, flat walk, mostly along a cycleway. Before we set out from Munster, we took another look at the storks, which are nesting on the top of several of the town's buildings. 
Some storks in Munster
We had a bit of a wander around Munster before we left this morning
The cycleway out of Munster followed a creek for a while. It skirted a couple of villages before heading for a forest to take us on to Wintzenheim. The path was being well used by numerous cyclists and the odd jogger. 
Walking the cycleway to Wintzenheim 
We had our picnic lunch on the way. 
Wintzenheim is an attractive,  well spread out village, with half-timbered houses and vineyards on the neighbouring hills.  We sauntered through the village on our way in to Colmar.
The village of Wintzenheim, on the way in to Colmar 
Once in to Colmar, we found our way to our accommodation in the middle of the old town. 
A brief taste of the attractions of Colmar
Day 36 - Healthy Fruit 
Day 36 - Birds 
Day 36 - Elevation Profile 

Day 36 - Route 
Day: 36
Distance: 21.02 km
Walking time: 4 hrs 43 mins
Elevation gain: 160 metres
Cumulative distance:  845.87

1 comment:

  1. The forecast storms in the mountains didn't eventuate and we only had a few drops. Seeing the storks was certainly a highlight!


DAY 80 - BOSSEY to GENEVA (Wednesday 5 July)

On the final day of our walk, we followed the Chemin de St Jacques south to Geneva, then went on to the water jet for the traditional end-of...