Saturday, 1 July 2023

DAY 76 - GRANDVAUX - Rest Day (Saturday 1 July)

Today was another rest day. We did what we usually do on our rest days - nothing much.

We spent a bit of time looking at the view from our accommodation
We did venture out for a bit of a walk, through Grandvaux and down to the lake at Cully.
Some of the sights of Grandvaux. The statue is of Corto Maltese, a famous cartoon character created by local resident Hugo Pratt
A pleasant stroll down to Cully, on Lake Geneva
At Cully, we had a picnic lunch by the lake, and wandered through the town's streets. 
Australian long-distance walkers enjoying a picnic lunch by the lake at Cully 
After lunch, moving on to see the sights of Cully
The sights of Cully
From Cully, we made our way back to our accommodation, and proceeded to rest for the rest of our rest day. 
A pleasant stroll back up from Cully
So, after another relaxing rest day, we are refreshed and ready to resume our walk tomorrow. 
We enjoyed the view of the vineyards and the lake from our rest day accommodation

Day 76 - Birds
Day: 76
Distance: 0 km
Walking time: 0 hrs 0 mins
Elevation gain: 0 metres
Cumulative distance:  1,634.74
Switzerland distance: 555.94
Switzerland chocolate consumption: 39 blocks

Poem of the Day:


Terraced vines on slanting slope
Buffeted by gusts and gale
Towns dotted along shore, outlined by
Evening sun piercing cloudy veil

Above: houses, sprawling village
Below: boats sailing slowly out of sight
Lake - sparkling and subdued
Shadow interspersed with light


  1. Day 75 artworks were amazing, day 76 resting photos awesome. You must be getting close to the end of this adventure sadly. So glad you are making so many memories upon memories..... and with added poetry 🙂

  2. We're very lucky - and yes, the photos and poetry will help us remember it all!


DAY 80 - BOSSEY to GENEVA (Wednesday 5 July)

On the final day of our walk, we followed the Chemin de St Jacques south to Geneva, then went on to the water jet for the traditional end-of...