Tuesday, 30 May 2023


Most of today's walk was a pleasant bushwalk on the well-marked Querweg alongside the Wutach Gorge. To get there, we followed the walking path signs from Göschweiler, our overnight stop. 

The path out of  Göschweiler was quite clear, at least at the beginning
When we appeared to be walking through a meadow we checked our maps to reassure ourselves that we were still on the path
Apparently we were
Although it didn't always seem that way
Checking the maps again.  Yes,  we were still on the path
Advancing along the walking path
Emerging on to a larger trail, we still weren't sure
But the signpost pointing back the way we had come confirmed that we had been on the right track. We are getting used to the idea that some of these German walking paths are a bit different to the ones we have at home. 
We eventually made it down to the Querweg (the Freiburg to Konstanz path we had walked along yesterday), and followed it for about 13 kilometres eastwards alongside the Wutach Gorge. This path was well-signposted, with spectacular views at times. There were many people of all ages walking along the path, some with large backpacks like ours, some with day packs,  and some with just the clothes they had on. 
Going down to the Wutach Gorge 
 The path along the gorge was largely well maintained, but we did sometimes have to watch where we were putting our feet
There were some interesting bridges to cross
And a couple of waterfalls for those classic waterfall selfie shots
In some places the cliffs went down to the waters edge. There were many sections where the path was quite narrow, whether hugging the cliffs by the water's edge, or rising to a level where progress was possible. 
Walking the Wutach Gorge 
Wutach Gorge 
A pleasant walk by the river
An Australian long-distance walker braving the icy water for a bit of a paddle
When it was time to leave the gorge, we just had to make our way to the village where we are staying tonight. Our maps showed that there was a walking path heading in the right direction. 
The path was even marked as a Camino. It took us up through the forest, before emerging onto more open countryside. 
We walked into the village of Mundelfingen, where we were able to buy fresh milk and dinner supplies at a self-service establishment. It was then only a few more kilometres on a quiet road on to Opferdingen, where we are staying the night. 
Milchhisli in Mundelfingen - source of fresh milk and dinner supplies for long-distance Australian walkers 
The last 3 kilometres - a scenic road from Mundelfingen to Opferdingen 
Day 44 - Birds 
Day 44 - Elevation Profile 
Day 44 - Route 
Day: 44
Distance: 24.61 km
Walking time: 5 hrs 43 mins
Elevation gain: 662 metres
Cumulative distance:  976.37

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