Saturday, 13 May 2023


A long day's walk ahead
We had a long day's walk ahead of us when we set out from Ligny-en-Barrois this morning. It started with a few kilometres along the Canal de la Marne au Rhin.
A few kilometres along the canal
We turned off the canal at the village of Longeaux. We made a small detour to inspect the fortified church in the village, and observed some of the village's other features on the way through. 
Some features of Longeaux - 3 working fountains and a community book box
Another feature of Longeaux - the lavoir, or communal washing house
Fortified church at Longeaux
We spent the next part of the day on a country road going up and down through farmland and among quiet villages. We stopped in one of them, Biencourt-sur-Orge, for some healthy fruit.
Walking on a quiet country road - the D127 to Biencourt-sur-Orge 
Biencourt-sur-Orge  - a fine place for a rest stop
From Biencourt-sur-Orge we picked up the GR714, a long-distance walking path that took us about 10kms to the village of Bonnet. The path went through a section of forest before emerging among a windfarm plantation. 
The GR714 - we stayed on the path towards Bonnet, not diverging to the right or the left 
The GR714 took us up close to some wind turbines. The sign warns of falling ice from the blades
Bonnet has a largely intact lavoir from the nineteenth century
We had our picnic lunch in Bonnet, before continuing on another country road to our evening's destination of Gondrecourt-le-Château. 
Another quiet country road - the D182 from Bonnet to Gondrecourt-le-Château 
Arriving in Gondrecourt, we were surprised to find a very pleasant townscape along the river, complete with another lavoir. 
Gondrecourt-le-Château - a historic town with an attractive riverside area
Day 27 - Healthy Fruit 
Day 27 - Birds 
Day 27 - Elevation Profile 
Day 27 - Route 
Day:  27
Distance: 32.5 km
Walking time: 6 hrs 35 mins
Elevation gain: 566 metres
Cumulative distance:  617.72 km

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