Tuesday, 18 April 2023

DAY 1 - DIEPPE to LE-MESNIL-VAL-PLAGE (Monday 17 April)

And we're away.  They say that the longest journey begins with a single step. But of course, before that first step, there is the ceremonial selfie.  

Ceremonial Selfie to mark the start of the walk - Dieppe, 17 April 2023
Our planned walk through parts of France, Germany and Switzerland began this morning in Dieppe, at the same place as our previous long-distance walk. 
Exactly seven years ago: Dieppe, 17 April 2016 - the first day of a previous walk
We followed the GR21 (the GRs are long-distance walking trails which criss-cross the country) for the whole of today's walk. We began by walking out of Dieppe via the Quai Henri IV and the port area. 
Heading out of Dieppe - we are using the same backpacks we had 7 years ago
Dieppe - marina with Quai Henri IV in background
Looking back on Dieppe, on our way out
We were soon walking on quiet paths, along the top of the cliffs. Not too close to the edge, though - there were signs throughout today's walk warning us to stay away from the unstable cliff edges. 
There were views of the English Channel throughout the day 
We walked through peaceful villages

There were several signboards to educate us on the way - this one was about le Camp de César (explaining that despite its name it has no connection to Caesar)
The GR21 took us through fields of golden rapeseed, before heading back towards the cliffs.  
Australian walker enjoying the green and gold countryside
Another Australian in the green and gold
An early opportunity to practise puddle photography
The rest of the day seemed to involve a lot of climbing, with often spectacular views along the way. 
Following the GR21 alongside the English Channel
GR21 - down to the coast, then uphill on the path on the right
The red and white GR signs were usually quite clear,  although here they look a bit ambiguous
Spectacular chalk cliffs
Australian walker heading uphill on the GR21 
Closely followed by another one
Another downhill
Closely followed by another uphill
Negotiating an obstacle on the path

Cliff views were a feature of the day's walk

Uphill on the GR21
We walked for a long way without any villages. Apart from a brief unpleasant interlude through an industrial area near Penly, it was more of the same. Downhill, uphill, and more cliff views. 
Heading North-east on the GR21
Still on the GR21
There was one unsettling stretch towards the end of the day's walk, where we climbed down into a valley and found a couple of staircases in disrepair. A kilometre or so further down the track we discovered that the path we had taken was closed due to the unstable cliffs and impassible footbridge. 

Valley with unstable ladder-staircase. Although it looked a bit dodgy, a lady had gone up just ahead of us, so we were somewhat reassured.  
The path went quite close to the cliff edge
Apparently the path we had taken was closed. We hadn't seen any such sign the way we had come. 
Descending towards Criel-sur-Mer, near the end of the day's walk
The cliffs at Criel-sur-Mer
Just before we arrived at our evening's destination, we came across evidence of the fragility of the cliffs. 
Approaching Le-Mesnil. A road has been closed due to parts of it having collapsed into the sea. 
Over the last few years we have developed an interest in birds, so our blog this year will feature photos of some of the birds we see along the way. 
Some bird photos from today's walk
Some more birds from today's walk

And to finish for today, a bit of reassurance for those who have followed our previous blogs. 

Yes, we intend to keep up our intake of healthy fruit throughout this year's walk. Here is today's morning tea. 
Day 1 - Route

Day 1 - Elevation Profile
Day:  1
Distance: 32.58 km
Walking time:   7 hrs  02 mins
Elevation gain:   850 metres
Cumulative distance:  32.58 km


  1. That is a monstrous first day. Rest day tomorrow?

  2. Not yet. We plan to eat an enormous breakfast to set us up for the day.

  3. It is! Reminds us of an impressionist painting with the smudgy horizon between sea and sky.

  4. Great to see your journey beginning.

  5. A long time in planning, but we're finally underway!


DAY 80 - BOSSEY to GENEVA (Wednesday 5 July)

On the final day of our walk, we followed the Chemin de St Jacques south to Geneva, then went on to the water jet for the traditional end-of...