Thursday, 6 July 2023

DAY 80 - BOSSEY to GENEVA (Wednesday 5 July)

On the final day of our walk, we followed the Chemin de St Jacques south to Geneva, then went on to the water jet for the traditional end-of-trip photos.

Three Australian long-distance walkers in Geneva at the end of a long walk
We set out this morning under a cloudy sky. 
This is the cloudy sky under which we set out this morning
The path gave us a taste of many of the features of our walk through Switzerland. There was an early walk through the picturesque village of Founex.
Founex has a street library and several attractive lampposts
We walked through a vineyard, by an orchard, next to a train line, through a forest, and through more villages. 
We walked by an orchard 
We walked past some horses
We walked past a crop field
We walked through a village where the locals had made a bit of an effort with the flowers
We were guided by well-placed, informative walking path signs
We walked through a vineyard
We walked past some wildflowers
We walked through a forest 
We walked up some stairs
We walked alongside a train line
We walked over a bridge
We walked in the rain
We took a photo of a puddle
We negotiated whatever obstacles were in our path 
We found a picnic lunch spot with a nice view
After a few hours we arrived in Geneva. We followed the path down to the lake, and treated ourselves to a hot chocolate in a lakeside café.
An hourglass reminded us that our time was almost up
We were still following the Chemin de St Jacques as we worked our way down to the lake
Australian long-distance walkers enjoying a hot chocolate at a lakeside café in Geneva
We took our time going through Geneva. We were among many tourists enjoying the lakeside promenade this afternoon. 
Australian long-distance walkers heading for the water jet,  and the symbolic end of their long-distance walk
And then we were there. We lingered at the water jet, taking a series of celebratory photos to mark the conclusion of our walk. 
Celebratory selfie - Australian long-distance walkers at the Jet D'Eau in Geneva to mark the conclusion of their 663 Kilometre walk across Switzerland from Kreuzlingen to Geneva 
Celebratory selfie - Australian long-distance walkers at the Jet D'Eau in Geneva, marking the end of their 1,743 kilometre walk across France, Germany and Switzerland, from Dieppe to Geneva.
And just like that, the walk was over.  We have really enjoyed travelling slowly through such a range of places, engaging with different history, language and culture as we went, and learning so many new things every day.  We would like to thank all those who have been following this blog - family, friends, and those who have joined us on the way. We have had a fantastic journey and have enjoyed sharing it with you.
Day 80 - Birds (yes, there's room in there for one final photo of the great crested grebe)
Day 80 - Elevation Profile 
Day 80 -  Route 
Day: 80
Distance: 26.28 km
Walking time: 5 hrs 46 mins
Elevation gain: 344 metres
Cumulative distance:  1,743.24
Switzerland distance: 663.44
Switzerland chocolate consumption: 44 blocks

Poem of the Day:


Dad encouraged me to write a sonnet
Sonnets have structural rules to follow
I said "yeah no worries, I am on it"
Would this promise turn out to be


Bonus photo - Switzerland chocolate consumption - a wrap-up

Wednesday, 5 July 2023

DAY 79 - ETOY to BOSSEY (Tuesday 4 July)

The penultimate day of our walk involved another long section on the Chemin de St Jacques. Today we were mostly inland,  instead of skirting the lake as we had done yesterday. 

Another long day's walk
We set out from our accommodation and quickly picked up the Chemin de St Jacques. We followed it through Allaman and Perroy to Rolle, where the path stayed by the lake for a while. 
The Chemin de St Jacques - through Perroy and on to Rolle
We stocked up on supplies in Rolle (yes, chocolate was involved) before moving on. The path now headed away from the lake, through food crops and vineyards to Gland. 
Lake Geneva at Rolle
From Rolle to Gland 
There was a scenic industrial area to pass through in Gland, followed by a series of Toblerone-shaped tank traps which once formed part of the country's defences. 
The path took us on a scenic route through Gland
The toblerones near Gland
We had our picnic lunch at the toblerones, then followed the path down to a lakeside beach. 
Down to the beach
A short walk further on we came to Nyon. From there, the path took us all the way to our accommodation in Bossey.
Through Prangins to Nyon
And on towards Bossey
Day 79 - Birds
Day 79 - Elevation Profile 
Day 79 - Route 
Day: 79
Distance: 34.39 km
Walking time: 7 hrs 01 mins
Elevation gain: 535 metres
Cumulative distance:  1,716.96
Switzerland distance: 637.16
Switzerland chocolate consumption: 42 blocks

Poem of the Day:


There are many fellow wanders that
you see on walking tracks
There are locals on a day trip wearing
babies on their backs

There are cyclists - some in Lycra
others with no shirt
Some have streamlined bicycles, with
others made for dirt

There are tourists proudly posing with
their money belts on display
Some are out for weeks or more,
others just the day

There are people of all ages who have
popped out for a jog
But my favourite type of fellow trail
wanderer? The dog

There are big dogs, there are small
dogs, there are fluffy ones and thin
No matter what sort of dog I see, I
count it as a win.

Tuesday, 4 July 2023

DAY 78 - LAUSANNE to ETOY (Monday 3 July)

We continued our trek across the northern shore of Lake Geneva, ending up walking a bit more than we had planned. 
Another day walking by Lake Geneva 
We started by picking up the Chemin de St Jacques next to Lausanne Cathedral, and following it down through Lausanne to the lake. 
We headed up to Lausanne Cathedral, took in the view from the lookout, and found the walking path signs to take us out of town
Down through Lausanne towards the lake
At Vidy, we wandered briefly around the ruins of the Roman site of Lousonna. 
Australian long-distance walkers wandering through the ruins of Lousonna
At Vidy, we reached the lake, and walked along it for most of the remainder of the day. 
The path reaches the lake at Vidy
Following the lake westwards from Lausanne
L'île aux Oiseaux, a bird sanctuary, was a highlight along the way
L'île aux Oiseaux, near Morges
Before long, we arrived at Morges, which markets itself as a slow tourism destination. This seemed to fit nicely with our preferred method of travel, and we proceeded slowly through the town. 
Travelling slowly through Morges, where signs encourage you to slow down
Another couple of hours along the lake took us to St Prex, where we strolled through the medieval old town. 
The harbour at Morges
Moving slowly on from Morges
Lake Geneva at Taillecou
St Prex
Shortly after St Prex, the path left the lake and followed a road into Buchillon.
On from St Prex
The path turned inland, and we passed the first sunflower field of the trip
We had been following the Chemin de St Jacques all day. There were various signs along the way to remind us. 
We left the path shortly after Buchillon to navigate our way to our accommodation in Allaman. Unfortunately, for the first time in our trip, we suffered a setback - the place was locked up and there was noone on site to check us in. We hastily made arrangements to stay in a (relatively) nearby hotel instead. 
We found our way to the accommodation we had booked, only to find ourselves locked out
So we found our way to another hotel instead
Day 78 - Birds
Day 78 - Elevation Profile 
Day 78 - Route 
Day: 78
Distance: 33.57 km
Walking time: 7 hrs 18 mins
Elevation gain: 454 metres
Cumulative distance:  1,681.57
Switzerland distance: 602.77
Switzerland chocolate consumption: 41 blocks

Poem of the Day:


When you book a place to stay sometimes things go to plan
The breakfast is included or the room contains a fan

Other times the booking's got some features unexpected
Like traffic noise, uneven floors, or wifi code rejected

Today's accommodation takes the unexpected cup
The room was booked and paid for, but the host didn't show up

The hotel was deserted and the contact number old
Essentially, we realised we'd been left out in the cold

But fear not, we're resourceful and we had the Internet
We found another place to stay, and towards it off we set

So today we wound up walking a little further than first thought
But what's life without adventure? Some experiences can't be bought.

DAY 80 - BOSSEY to GENEVA (Wednesday 5 July)

On the final day of our walk, we followed the Chemin de St Jacques south to Geneva, then went on to the water jet for the traditional end-of...